Superintensive Course "German"

Course details

Type of course: 2-week superintensive course in small groups (with possible extension)
Number of lessons: Six 45-minute lessons per day (30 lessons per week)
Number of students: 2 to 4 (minimum/maximum)
Levels available: Four levels covering Elementary to Advanced
Course dates: Courses start each Monday


The Course SI30 is a superintensive course for very small groups of participants running over a period of 2 weeks. It offers the complete linguistic programme of the standard courses. The small size of the group and highly motivated students guarantee ideal conditions to cover the programme of a 4-week standard course in a period of two weeks.

If booked by a company for a pre-constituted group of employees, the Course SI30 can also provide intensive training for specialised subjects and skills.

Course combinations

The dates for courses lasting 4, 6 or more weeks can be obtained by adding two, three or more 2-week periods. Participants wishing to deal with individual issues can book additional Individual Tuition EU.

Course dates 2025

Superintensive course "German"

Start of the first SI in 2025 06.01.13
Arrival: every sunday
Exceptions: arrival on Monday
(01.04.2013 Easter Monday; 20.05.2013 Whit Monday)
Start of the last SI in 2025 08.12.13