Three-week intensive course "German"

Course details

Type of course: 3-week intensive course (14 days of tuition; 1 full-day excursion, starting at the beginning of the month or one week later)
Number of lessons: Five 45-minute lessons per day (25 lessons per week)
Number of students: Small group: 6 maximum, 4 minimum, 5 on average
Levels available: All 10 levels all year round, except Elementary G1 (available only in January, April, July, August and October)


The Course K3A / K3B is a short version of the Course K4. It covers fourteen days of tuition plus one day for a programme-integrated excursion and can precede or follow a 4-week course to form a 7-week period.


The course programme comprises all course levels (Elementary to Advanced; see description of the 4-week course K4) corresponding to the system of the Goethe-Institute. The course is specially designed for students who have little time left for a language course -  or who want to extend a 4-week course period to 7 weeks.    

Given the comparatively short duration of the course, students should have basic knowledge of German beforehand for a maximum benefit and to be able to make perceptible progress.

Five times a year, however, the course is on offer also for students who have no prior German proficiency and who are interested in a first introduction to the German language in a stimulating and motivating environment.

Course combinations

The Course K3A / K3B can be combined with a 4-week course (K4+K3A or K3B+K4) to result in a 7-week period. It can precede a Course for Special Purposes DB, KEC or KTH or be combined with Individual Tuition of 90 minutes 2 to 5 times a week.

Information for Swedish candidates

Course type K3A / K3B - combined with course type K4 - is accredited by Högskoleverket Stockholm for CSN scholarships.

Course dates 2025

Three-week intensive course "German"

  Day of arrival First day of tuition Last day of tuition Day of departure Code
January 06.01.13 07.01.13 25.01.13 26.01.13 K3A 1301
  13.01.13 14.01.13 30.01.13 01.02.13 K3B 1301
February 03.02.13 04.02.13 22.02.13 23.02.13 K3A 1302
  10.02.13 11.02.13 28.03.13 01.03.13 K3B 1302
March 03.03.13 04.03.13 22.03.13 23.03.13 K3A 1303
  10.03.13 11.03.13 28.03.13 29.03.13 K3B 1303
April 01.04.13 02.04.13 19.04.13 20.04.13 K3A 1304
  07.04.13 08.04.13 25.04.13 26.04.13 K3B 1304
May 05.05.13 06.05.13 25.05.13 26.05.13 K3A 1305
  12.05.13 13.05.13 01.06.13 02.06.13 K3B 1305
June 02.06.13 03.06.13 21.06.13 22.06.13 K3A 1306
  09.06.13 10.06.13 27.06.13 28.06.13 K3B 1306
July 30.06.13 01.07.13 19.07.13 20.07.13 K3A 1307
  07.07.13 08.07.13 25.07.13 26.07.13 K3B 1307
August 28.07.13 29.07.13 16.08.13 17.08.13 K3A 1308
  04.08.13 05.08.13 22.08.13 23.08.13 K3B 1308
September 01.09.13 02.09.13 20.09.13 21.09.13 K3A 1309
  08.09.13 09.09.13 26.09.13 27.09.13 K3B 1309
October 29.09.13 30.09.13 18.10.13 19.10.13 K3A 1310
  06.10.13 07.10.13 24.10.13 25.10.13 K3B 1310
November 03.11.13 04.11.13 22.11.13 23.11.13 K3A 1311
  10.11.13 11.11.13 28.11.13 29.11.13 K3B 1311
December 01.12.13 02.12.13 17.12.13 18.12.13 K3A 1312